Style Your Way To Confidence

 Style Your Way to Confidence There are many ways to feel confident in the workplace but the easiest one is to know that your image projects this. Since it takes about 20 seconds to form our first impressions of a person  based on their appearance, to be confident you are making the right impression, it […]

What’s your style?

One fashion  editor has picked this collection of lovely clothes for a suggested Spring wardrobe. My verdict? Most of these items would suit tall and straight shaped figures. What if you’re not made that way, or you were once but that was 20 or so years ago….? If  you’re blessed with a body that  resembles […]

Spring colours are in the shops now but do they suit you?

Pretty spring clothes are hitting the shops right now, heralding an early spring, if the chirping  birds and the early blooming  daffodils are to be believed!  If the season’s tempting styles and colours  have you racing to the shops to buy the latest items to stock your wardrobe, then stop and think before you spend […]


Welcome to my newly launched blog. Style and Coach provides image styling and life coaching to women in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s to make this time their most wonderful and fulfilling by showing them how to style themselves to honour and enhance their natural beauty and reach their goals faster than working alone. It also provides styling and coaching to […]