Stressed, need help with Career, Confidence and Relationships?

As a Life Coach and Image Consultant, I’m finding that most clients are looking for help with career satisfaction, managing stress, developing positive habits, making better relationships, increasing confidence and sometimes spiritual development. Does any of this sound like you? I started with a wonderful coach over 10 years’ ago and it made such a […]

Fashion for the Over 50’s: Free Style Session With Colour Consultation

Do you need help finding your style over the age of 50? Our 50’s can be the happiest and most liberating time of our lives but also a challenging decade for us as women. Perhaps your hair style, hair colour, clothes and make up need a revamp to suit your changing skin tone and body […]

Presence- Do You Have It?

Presence- what is it? Nicola Sturgeon, Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama and other leading icons have loads of it but presence is difficult to define and many people in the workplace are told they need to raise their presence.In a nutshell, I would define as confidence. The Centre for Talent Innovation on ‘Executive Presence’ interviewed over […]

New Year-Organise Your Wardrobe

January is the best month for taking stock of what’s working in your life and what’s not, setting new goals and kicking bad habits. This includes sorting and organising your wardrobe and getting rid of items that no longer serve you.  Marie Kondo’s #1 best seller book: The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up has […]

The Office Party: What to Wear and How to Act

Use the Office Party to Further Your Career Not Ruin It! The office Christmas Party can be a great opportunity to let off steam with the people you spend a good part of your life with.  If you play it right, it can be great fun and an opportunity to build important relationships within your organisation. […]